Express your English powerfully


Express Your English Powerfully

Proof-reading is your basic service for spelling and grammar correction.

The text can be attached to an e-mail as a Word-document or as text within the body of the e-mail.

Upon the copy being sent to me, I will extend an offer for the cost of my service to you by e-mail. If you agree and pay the said cost then I will proof-read the copy, and return it to you in both Word-format and PDF.

The service is provided by:
  • Telephone (001-516-889-5280)
  • Internet Telephone: Skype, Zoom
  • Video-Chat: SkypeZoom
  • Email:
Skype: USA LeseEule live:.cid.297e1fee55cf1523
Zoom: USA LeseEule

Service Hours:
Flexible and accommodating German time CET

Cost for proof-reading : 5 EUR per page (Arial 12 pt.)

Payment Method: 
  • Paypal Paypal
  • Bank Account Transfer


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